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Adjust the water vapor field in the stratospherethe formula is 6ppm - 2*ch4 Transform water vapor to volumetric m.r. this routine is the multitasked version this routine assumes that ch4 is in the array vmr authors: Stacy Walters, NCAR, stacy@ucar.edu Didier Hauglustaine, LSCE, didier.hauglustaine@lsce.ipsl.fr SUBROUTINE ADJH2O (h2o,sh,ql,h2oc,mbar,vmr ) USE MODULES:
Add seconds to date and compute new date(Dat1,Sec1) + Sec = (dat2,sec2) SUBROUTINE ADDSEC2DAT ( sec, dat1, sec1, dat2, sec2 )
initialisation of aerosol specific fields
authors: michael Schulz, LSCE, Michael.Schulz@cea.fr 10.6.2002 purpose: initialisation of prognostic variables related to aerosol calculations interface: from aerosols module trmx, trnx range of aerosol tracer indices eflux, eflux_alt variables saved method: set variables to zero at entry to aerosol main SUBROUTINE AEROSOL_INI (area,delt,nstep,tr_seri) USE MODULES (AER):
calculation of meterological info used in aerosol calculationsauthors: michael Schulz, LSCE, Michael.Schulz@cea.fr SUBROUTINE AEROSOL_METEO_CALC $ ,calday $ ,delt $ ,pmid $ ,pfull $ ,t_seri $ ,flxrcv $ ,flxscv $ ,flxrst $ ,flxsst $ ,pctsrf $ ,area $ ,rlat $ ,rlon $ ,u10m $ ,u20m USE MODULES:
compute interactively emission flux of mineral dust
input: tr_seri -> mass mixing ratio [kg/kg] from aerosol modules : rop -> particle density - srcsigma -> sigma of aerosol mode - srcsigmaln output: md -> # resp. mass median diameter of tracer [m] - ropx -> mass density of each aerosol mode [kg/m3] Author: Michael Schulz (/ LSCE / Saclay) 9. June 2002 SUBROUTINE AEROSOL_MODE_PROPERTIES ( tr_seri ) USE MODULES:
authors: michael Schulz, LSCE, Michael.Schulz@cea.fr SUBROUTINE AEROSOLMAIN ( tr_seri $ ,aerosol_couple $ ,tr_seri $ ,delt_lmdz $ ,pmid $ ,pdel $ ,flxrst $ ,flxrcv $ ,flxsst $ ,flxscv $ ,flxupd $ ,cldtop $ ,cldbot $ ,zma $ ,area $ ,nstep $ ,rneb $ ,t_seri $ ,rh $ ,tau_inca $ ,piz_inca $ ,cg_inca $ ,rfname $ ,ccm $ ,lafin_inca) USE MODULES:
Initialize airplane emissionsNote: the emissions are in molecules/cm**3/s Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000. SUBROUTINE AIRPL_SRC ( filename_month, filename_hour) USE MODULES: Initialize airplane emissionsNote: the emissions are in molecules/cm**3/s Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000. SUBROUTINE AIRPL_SRC_HS (filename) USE MODULES:
source flux for Black and Organic Carbon
input: delt time step duration [sec] tr_seri accumulated tracer mixing ratios output: accumulated tracer mixing ratios from aerosol modules: srcsigmaln sigma of aerosol modes rop particle density from input files: flxBCM Monthly BC flux [g cm-2 s-1] flxPOMM Monthly POM flux [g cm-2 s-1] (from Liousse et al. 1986) variables saved: entered input fields read flag output: eflux emission of dust per tracer [kg m-2 s-1] eflux_alt emission at altitude [kg m-2 s-1] author : Yves Balkanski (LSCE - 14.1.2002) SUBROUTINE BCPOMSOURCE (tr_seri) USE MODULES:
Calcul de la vitesse de friction (ustar) et de la longueur de
Monin-Obukhov (obklen), necessaires pour calculer les flux de DMS
par la methode de Nightingale.
Cette subroutine est plus que fortement inspiree de la subroutine 'nonlocal' dans clmain.F . reference : Holtslag, A.A.M., and B.A. Boville, 1993: Local versus nonlocal boundary-layer diffusion in a global climate model. J. of Climate, vol. 6, 1825-1842. (a confirmer) Auteur : E. Cosme 31.08.01 SUBROUTINE BL_FOR_DMS ( u,v,paprs,pplay,cdragh,cdragm,t,q,tsol,ustar,obklen) USE MODULES:
Impose boundary conditions for chemical tracers
Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 1999. SUBROUTINE BOUNDSPC ( dtinv, mmr, pmid, temp ) (GES ; DUSS) USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE CARBONAERRXT (temp,$ pmid, $ ps, $ relhum, $ mmr, $ m, $ dgno2, $ dgno3, $ dgnh3, $ dgn2o5, $ dghno3, $ dgo3, $ dgho2, $ dgso2, $ rxt), USE MODULES:
purpose: compute soluble aerosol mass mixing ratio which corresponds to CCN concentration
interface: input: tr_seri accumulated tracer mixing ratios output: ccm soluble aerosol mass, natural(1) and total(2) from sflx_inti module : fracnat natural aerosol fraction author: Michael Schulz / Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'environnement / Saclay / 22.6.2007 SUBROUTINE CCNAER (r_seri, area, ccm, pdel ) USE MODULES:
General purpose chemistry "hook" routineDidier Hauglustaine and Stacy Walters, 2000. SUBROUTINE CHEMHOOK_BEGIN ( calday, $ ijour, $ gmtime, $ oro, $ lat, $ lon, $ area, $ pfull, $ pmid, $ coefh, $ zma, $ temp, $ u, $ v, $ ozrad, $ sh, $ ts, $ dpth_snow, $ sws, $ albs, $ rain_fall, $ snow_fall, $ ctop, $ cbot, $ cldfr, $ nx, $ ny, $ mmr, $ ftsol, $ paprs, $ cdragh, $ cdragm, $ pctsrf, $ delt, $ nstep) USE MODULES:
General purpose chemistry "hook" routine
Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000. SUBROUTINE CHEMHOOK_END (dt, $ pmid, $ temp, $ mmr, $ nbtr, $ paprs, $ sh, $ area, $ zma, $ phis, $ rh, $ Ahyb, $ Bhyb), USE MODULES:
CALL SUBBROUTINES: Initialize chemistry modulesStacy Walters, NCAR, 2000. SUBROUTINE CHEM_INTI (mxoutflds, outinst, outtimav) USE MODULES:
Chemistry module intializationDidier Hauglustaine and Stacy Walters, 1999. SUBROUTINE CHEMINI ( $, xgravit $, xrearth $, xlatwts $, latgcm $, longcm $, presnivs $, calday $, klon $, nqmax $, nqo $, pdtphys $, annee_ref $, day_ref $, day_ini $, start_time $, itau_phy $, date0 $, io_lon $, io_lat USE MODULES:
Advances the volumetric mixing ratio forward one time step via a
combination of explicit, EBI, QSSA, fully implicit, and/or rodas
author: Didier Hauglustaine and Stacy Walters, 2000. SUBROUTINE CHEMMAIN ( mmr $, nas $, nstep $, calday $, ncdate $, ncsec $, lat $, delt $, ps $, pmid $, pdel $, area $, oro $, tsurf $, albs $, zma $, phis $, cldfr $, cldfr_st $, cldfr_cv $, cldtop $, cldbot $, cwat $, flxrst $, flxrcv $, flxsst $, flxscv $, flxupd $, flxmass_w $, tfld $, sh $, ql $, rh $, nx $, ny $, source USE MODULES:
Gestion du temps dans LMDZINCA:
SUBROUTINE CHEMTIME (istp, date0, dt, itap ) USE MODULES:
calculation of aqueous phase chemistry of sulfur
written by Olivier Boucher units are [molecules/cm^3] modified by Christiane Textor for use in INCA
Cloud alteration factors for photorates and albedo
Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. SUBROUTINE CLOUD_MOD (zen_angle, clouds, lwc, delp, srf_alb, eff_alb, cld_mult ) USE MODULES:
code based on wesely (atmospheric environment, 1989, vol 23, p. 1293-1304) for
calculation of r_c, and on walcek et. al. (atmospheric enviroment, 1986,
vol. 20, p. 949-964) for calculation of r_a and r_b
as suggested in walcek (u_i)(u*_i) = (u_a)(u*_a) is kept constant where i represents a subgrid environment and a the grid average environment. thus the calculation proceeds as follows: va the grid averaged wind is calculated on dots z0(i) the grid averaged roughness coefficient is calculated ri(i) the grid averaged richardson number is calculated --> the grid averaged (u_a)(u*_a) is calculated --> subgrid scale u*_i is calculated assuming (u_i) given as above --> final deposotion velocity is weighted average of subgrid scale velocities Peter Hess and Jean-Francois Lamarque, NCAR, 2000. SUBROUTINE COMPUTE_DEP_VEL ( month,latitudes,dvel ) USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE CORRECTBID_INCA ( iim, nl, x )code written by P. Hess, rewritten by JFL (August 2000)Modified for LMDz/INCA, Hauglustaine, Dec. 2000 SUBROUTINE DEF_SPECIES_PARAM USE MODULES: Michael SchulzJune 2002 SUBROUTINE DIAG (area, tr_seri, aerocom ) USE MODULES:
Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998.SUBROUTINE DIURNAL_GEOM (lat, time_of_year, polar_night, polar_day, sunon, sunoff, loc_angle, zen_angle, zangtz) USE MODULES: Dry deposition fluxDidier Hauglustaine and Stacy Walters, 2000. SUBROUTINE DRYDEP (pmid, temp, mmr) USE MODULES:
Reaction rate on dust aerosolsDidier Hauglustaine, 2010 SUBROUTINE DUSTAERRXT ( temp, $ pmid, $ ps, $ relhum, $ mmr, $ m, $ dgno2, $ dgno3, $ dgnh3, $ dgn2o5, $ dghno3, $ dgo3, $ dgho2, $ dgso2, $ rxt), USE MODULES:
emission flux of mineral dust from ecmwf 10m winds on 1° X 1°
compute interactively emission flux of mineral dust
input : delt time step duration [sec] from aerosol modules : zspeed wind speed at 10 m [m/s] landmask sea land mask [] ztempc surface air temperature [°C] zprecip precipitation amount [kg m-2 s-1] zprecipinsoil proxy for soil humidity [mm] rop particle density rhv source strength factor [kg s2 m-5] wth threshold velocity [m/s] cly clay content [%] srcsigma sigma of aerosol mode srcsigmaln variables saved : entered input fields read flag local variables : fdist number/mass factor [#/kg] nbdays soil drying rate [days/mm] mask dust emission area mask [] output : eflux emission of dust per tracer [kg m-2 s-1] method The dust aerosol emitted is described as a lognormal size distribution with a mass median radius of 2.5 um and a standard deviation of s = 2. Such a source size distribution was found to provide a consistent mineral aerosol transport model, which provides enough mineral dust for long range transport from the Sahara to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Dust plumes simulated with such a model provide aerosol optical thickness values very close to those observed with satellites [Schulz et al., 1998] [Guelle et al., 2000]. Using a fixed lognormal distribution at the source implies that number concentrations can be derived from mass emission flux and imposed source size distribution [Schulz et al., 1998]. While surface wind speed is produced interactively or read from ECMWF winds (see routine aerosol_meteo_calc), the source function incorporates also spatial information on three parameters a) the source strength factor (rhv); b) the threshold velocity (wth) and c) the clay fraction of the uppermost soil layer (cly). eflux = max(rhv*(zspeed-wth)*zspeed**2,0.)*landmask This work is based on an offline dust source developped by [Claquin, 1999]. He used a global TM3 dust simulation with a dustsource in all arid regions to obtain an approximate dust field. In a second step he compared regional averages of TOMS observations of aerosol index to this simulation, to obtain a source strength factor for a given region [see also Balkanski et al. [submitted , 2002]. The threshold velocity was obtained by comparing the FAO soil database to the maps of Marticorena [1995] to derive by this procedure a soil specific threshold velocity for desert soils. Combined with the high resolution FAO dataset this results in a global map of threshold velocities for dust rise in arid and semi-arid regions. The offline source formulation was converted to an interactive dust source for this work [Schulz und Timmreck, in prep] including prognostic variables produced by the GCM, such as wind speed, precipitation and surface temperature. Dust emission is thought to be inhibited, when the surface soil is wettened or frozen. Drying of desert soils can be parameterised as a function of recent accumulated precipitation, surface temperature. The clay content of the soil is a key parameter for this process, since clay retains water for a longer period. While Claquin [1999] used an offline calculation to define the periods when the soil is available for emission of dust, we prefer an interactive approach here. Soil wettening and drying rate are computed from GCM calculated preceipitation and surface temperatures. The clay content is assembled from the FAO soil data. During freezing conditions, no drying of the soil and no emissions are assumed. The parameterisation uses the conditions given by Claquin [1999] and computes an evaporation rate acting on the accumulated precipitation amount [Schulz und Timmreck, in prep]. This might overestimate the time which is needed to dry off the top soil, since no run-off or losses to the ground water reservoirs are assumed. author: M. Schulz LSCE 13.2.2001 SUBROUTINE DUSTSOURCE (delt) USE MODULES:
CALL SUBROUTINE: Read the landuse data set for dry dep calculationauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000. SUBROUTINE DVEL_INTI (filename) USE MODULES:
Exp_sol advances the volumetric mixing ratio
forward one time step via the fully explicit
Euler scheme
authors: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDz/INCA, 2000.
Calculates 2D fields of thermal tropopause pressures and tropopause
level indices for given 3D fields of temperature and pressure.
Methods: - Subroutine stattrop calculates the thermal tropopause pressure (Pa) for a 1D column (sounding) of pressures (Pa) and temperatures (K). - The program tropo_test also corrects for non-sense occuring at high latitudes > 60N (60S). Theese problems occur at high latitudes on the winter hemisphere because of the cold stratosphere and the consequently weak troposphere- stratosphere transition of the thermal lapse rate -dT/dz which is used to determine the thermal tropopause. The problem is much less severe on the winter hemisphere. Here a fix is implemented applying a factor which scales the tropopause pressures at latitudes LAT > 60N (60S) to the mean tropopause pressure at 60N (60S), whenever the mean tropopause pressure at LAT is lower than that at 60N (60S). This idea was formulated in the ECHAM4/CHEM routine xttphwmo by D. Nodorp, Ch. Land, B. Steil and R. Hein. author: Dominik Brunner, ETHZ, Switzerland V.01, 10 Aug 2000 Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, Oct 2000. SUBROUTINE FDTROPOPAUSE ( nx, ny, nz, pmid, temp ) USE MODULES:
Prepare fields to be used in radiationauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2002. SUBROUTINE FIELD_PREP (h2o, mmr) USE MODULES:
"find periodic lower bound"
Search the input array for the lower bound of the interval that contains the input value. The returned index satifies: x(index) .le. xval .lt. x(index+1) Assume the array represents values in one cycle of a periodic coordinate. So, if xval .lt. x(1), then index=nx. author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. SUBROUTINE FINDPLB (x, nx, xval, index) SUBROUTINE GASTOPARTICLE (delt,mmr,mbar,hnm)USE MODULES:
Passage d'un champ interpolé è un champ sur grille scalaireSUBROUTINE GR_INT_DYN_INCA ( champin, champdyn, iim, jp1, lev)
Calculation of humidity growth of aerosols
Interpolation of the coefficients between those of seasalt and rural conditions depending on the composition of the aerosol. This approach seems justified, because the effect of RH on particle growth is much larger than that of the composition. Reference: Gerber, Atm Aerosols and Nucleation, Lect. Notes Phys, vol 309, pp237-238 Springer Verlag NY 1988 authors: Christiane Textor and Michael Schulz SUBROUTINE HUMGROWTH (tr_seri,rh) USE MODULES:
Initialize the implict solverSUBROUTINE IMP_SLV_INTI () USE MODULES:
Imp_sol advances the volumetric mixing ratio
forward one time step via the fully implicit
Euler scheme
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1999.
SUBROUTINE INICALENDAR (xtype)USE MODULES: SUBROUTINE INI_DIAGNOS (pdtphys, anne_ref, day_ref, longcm, latgcm, presnivs, itau_phy)USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE INI_DIAGNOS_SURF (pdtphys, anne_ref, day_ref, longcm, latgcm, presnivs, itau_phy)USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE INIT_TRANSPORT (hadv_flg_lmdz, vadv_flg_lmdz, conv_flg_lmdz, pbl_flg_lmdz, tracnam_lmdz)USE MODULES:
vectorised 1D interpolation routine
z = f(x); treats irregular spacing of intervals in x directions, uses tabulated results of the function f(x) with two tables xx,z and their dimensions as input res contains result for values derived from x for nfields author: Michael Schulz Sep.2002 SUBROUTINE inter1d (nfield,x,res,xdim,xx,z ) Interpolation horizontale des variables d'une grille LMDZ(des points SCALAIRES au point SCALAIRE) dans une autre grille LMDZ en conservant la quantite totale pour les variables intensives (/m2) : ex : Pression au sol François forget (01/1995) SUBROUTINE INTERP_HORIZ_INCA (varo, varn, imo, jmo, imn, jmn, lm, rlonuo, rlatvo, rlonun, rlatvn) CALL SUBBROUTINES:
Prepare l'interpolation des variables d'une grille LMDZ dans une autre grille LMDZ en conservant la quantite totale pour les variables intensives (/m2) : ex : Pression au sol Pour chaque case autour d'un point scalaire de la nouvelle grille, on calcule la surface (en m2) en intersection avec chaque case de l'ancienne grille, pour la future interpolation)On calcule aussi l'aire dans la nouvelle grille. author: Fran&ccdel;ois Forget 01/1995 SUBROUTINE INIINTERP_HORIZ_INCA (imo, jmo, imn, jmn, kllm, rlonuo, rlatvo, rlonun, rlatvn, ktotal, iik, jjk, jk, ik, intersec, airen) USE MODULE:
Initialize mean atmospheric "wet" mass
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. SUBROUTINE INTI_MR_XFORM (sh, mbar) USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE LGLIVED (filename, year )USE MODULES: Linearly interpolate between f1(t1) and f2(t2) to fint(tint)author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. SUBROUTINE LININTP (npts, t1, t2, tint, f1, f2, fint ) Dry deposition velocities for this time stepauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000.
NOx from lightning
author: Line Jourdain, SA, 2001. Modified, Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 08-2001. SUBROUTINE MKNOPROD (oro, $ lat, $ lon, $ area, $ pmid, $ zmid, $ temp, $ ctop, $ cbot, $ nx, $ ny ) USE MODULES: Form the surface fluxes for this time sliceauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000.
Xfrom from mass to volume mixing ratio
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, 1999. SUBROUTINE MMR2VMR (vmr, mmr, mbar ) USE MODULES:
Check for negative constituent values and
replace with zero value
subroutine to compute u10 neutral wind speed
inputs: u10_mps - wind speed at 10 m (m/s) ustar_mps - friction velocity (m/s) obklen_m - monin-obukhov length scale (m) outputs: u10n_mps - wind speed at 10 m under neutral conditions (m/s) following code assumes reference height Z is 10m, consistent with use of u10 and u10_neutral. If not, code should be changed so that constants of 50. and 160. in equations below are changed to -5 * Z and -16 * Z respectively. Reference: G. L. Geernaert. 'Bulk parameterizations for the wind stress and heat fluxes,' in Surface Waves and Fluxes, Vol. I, Current Theory, Geernaert and W.J. Plant, editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1990. subroutine written Feb 2001 by eg chapman adapted to LMD-ZT by E. Cosme 310801 Following Will Shaw (PNL, Seattle) the theory applied for flux calculation with the scheme of Nightingale et al. (2000) does not hold anymore when -1 .lt. obklen .lt. 20. In this case, u10n is set to 0, so that the transfer velocity computed in nightingale.F will also be 0. The flux is then set to 0. SUBROUTINE NEUTRAL (u10_mps,ustar_mps,obklen_m,u10n_mps ) USE MODULES:
Purpose: Calculation of Sea-Air Transfer of DMSMehtod: Nightingale et al. 2001 Authors: Olivier Boucher - adapted to INCA: Christiane Textor and Michael Schulz SUBROUTINE NIGHTINGALE (u, $ v, $ paprs, $ pplay, $ cdragh, $ cdragm, $ t, $ q, $ ftsol, $ tsol, $ pctsrf, $ conc_dms, $ eflux_dms ) USE MODULES:
CALL SUROUTINES : Read the NPP data setauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000. SUBROUTINE NPP_INTI (filename) USE MODULES:
incatime contains routine to transform a 6-integer-array of the time into
seconds since a reference year
SUBROUTINE OBS_PROFILE_INTERPOL (pmid,zma,phis,rh,sh,temp,mmr) USE MODULE:
Tabulated refractive indices by Yves Balkanski May 2003
Real part of dust refractive index from Volz and Patterson Imaginay part of dust refractive index from Sokolik This tabulation is for 5 wavelengths (443, 550, 670, 765 and 865 nm) and for 6 species : dust, seasalt, BC, POM, sulfate and water Author: Michael Schulz, May 2003 SUBROUTINE OPTAER (tr_seri, delt, area) USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE OPTAER_2BANDS (pdel, tr_seri, delt, RHcl, ai)USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE OPTAER_5WV (pdel, tr_seri, delt, RHcl, ai)USE MODULES:
This subroutine must be called every time step of the model. It either stores, or records in a file (file_id), for this time step the variables fields of a same category 'k'. The variables fields of a particular category are all gathered in a same array 'seri'. SUBROUTINE OUTFLD (file_id, type, k, seri) USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE OUTFLD_2 (pmid, temp, sh, ps, pdel, area, chifl_id, chafl_id)USE MODULES:
Initialize the chemistry netcdf files (name, horizontal grid size,time intervals), define a vertical axe and declare the variables to record. 2 files : one for instantaneous variables, another for averaged. SUBROUTINE OUTFLD_INIT (pdtphys, anne_ref, day_ref, longcm, latgcm, presnivs, itau_phy) USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE OUTFLD_INIT_2 (type, file_id, grid_id, vert_id, operat, zsto, zout)USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE OUTFLD_XIOS (pmid, temp, sh, ps, pdel, area) USE MODULES:
Oxydant climatologies initialize
Read OXYDANT distributions
Author: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 1999 SUBROUTINE OXYDANT_READ (calday) USE MODULES:
Interpolate ozone on model time and on pressure levelsauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 1999. SUBROUTINE OZCLIM_INTERP (calday, pmid) USE MODULE:
CALL SUBROUTINES: Ozone climatologies initializeSUBROUTINE OZCLIM_INTI (filename) USE MODULES : Read ozone distributionsauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 1999. SUBROUTINE OZCLIM_READ (calday) USE MODULE:
Interpolate ozone linear coefficients on model time and on pressure levelsauthor: R.Valorso SUBROUTINE OZLIN_INTERP (calday, pmid) CALL SUBROUTINES: Ozone linear initializeSUBROUTINE OZLIN_INTI (filename) USE MODULES :
Interpolate ozone linear coefficientsauthor: Didier hauglustaine, IPSL, 1999 SUBROUTINE OZLIN_READ (calday) USE MODULES:
Reset O3 boundary conditions for use in radiationauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2002. SUBROUTINE OZRESET (mmr, pmid, temp) USE MODULES:
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998.
Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, 1999. SUBROUTINE PHOTO (photos , pmid , pdel , temper , zmid , col_dens , zen_angle , srf_alb , lwc , clouds , sunon , sunoff, polar_night, polar_day ) USE MODULES:
Loglinear interpolation for the photodissociation rates
Note: this subroutine computes photorates for a vertical column at a given longitude and latitude This routine uses a six parameter table via a Taylor series expansion. Stacy Walters, Sep 30, 1996. Changed code to strictly limit the 200mb and 500mb temperature interpolation to the table endpoints; i.e. no extrapolation beyond the table is allowed. SUBROUTINE PHOTO_INTERP (zin, sin, vin, albin, t500in, t200in, ajout ) USE MODULE: Interpolates on model pressure levelsauthors: Stacy Walters and Didier Hauglustaine, 1999. SUBROUTINE PINTERP (ncol, fieldin, pin, nin, fieldout, pout, nout, index, entered) Read in the photorate tables and arraysResults are "returned" via the module PHT_TABLES author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. SUBROUTINE PRATE_INTI (unit) USE MODULES Auteur: Z.X.Li (LMD/CNRS) ; 19/07/1996Objet: interface entre le modèle et les rayonnements SUBROUTINE RADLWSW_INCA (kdlon, kflev, dist, rmu0, fract, solaire, paprs, pplay, tsol, albedo, alblw, t, q, size_wo, cldfra, cldemi, cldtaupd, heat, heat0, cool, cool0, albpla, topsw, toplw, solsw, sollw, sollwdown, topsw0, toplw0, solsw0, sollw0, lwdn0, lwdn, lwup0, lwup, swdn0, swdn, swup0, swup, ok_ade, ok_aie, tau_inca, piz_inca, cg_inca, topswad_inca, solswad_inca, topswad0_inca, solswad0_inca, topsw_inca, topsw0_inca, solsw_inca, solsw0_inca, cldtaupi, topswai_inca, solswai_inca) USE MODULES:
read of ecmwf fields which are already on the dynamical gridcomputation from u,v components of 10m wind speed (zspeed) reprojection on physical grid SUBROUTINE READ_ECMWF_INTERP (timestep,unc10m,vnc10m,ntimef) USE MODULES:
Interpolate sulfate data from CMIP 5 on model time and on pressure levelsAuthor: R.Valorso SUBROUTINE SAD_INTERP (calday, pmid) USE MODULES:
Read sulfate data from CMIP 5Author: R.Valorso SUBROUTINE SAD_READ (calday) USE MODULES:
CALL SUBROUTINE: Reaction rate on seasalt aerosols.Didier Hauglustaine, 2010 SUBROUTINE SEASALTSOURCEAERRXT (temp , pmid , ps , relhum , mmr , m , dgno2 , dgno3 , dgnh3 , dgn2o5 , dghno3 , dgo3 , dgho2 , dgso2 , rxt) USE MODULES:
describe source flux of sea salt aerosol mass and number flux
as a function of wind speed
for two aerosol modes: coarse soluble and accumulation soluble
method Tabulated mass and number fluxes following Monahan 86 and Smith&Harrison 98 for two aerosol modes; the fluxes are interpolated according to actual wind speed; sea salt mass and number fluxes were fitted to two lognormal distributions following work published by Guelle et al. (2001) JGR 106, pp. 27509-27524 who used rather bins for computation of the emission fluxes. The parameterisation is sensitive to the choice of the sigma of the size distribution with regard to the number fluxes. number1 and mass1 fluxes are going into the accumulation mode number2 and mass2 fluxes are going into the coarse mode author: Michael Schulz (LSCE Saclay) - June 2002 SUBROUTINE SEASALTSOURCE (delt) USE MODULES:
Author: Olivier Boucher
Purpose: sedimentation - calculation of sedimentation velocities Interface: input tr_seri tracer mixing ratios [kg/kg] from aerosol modules md #or mass median dimater [m] ztempc surface air temperature [°C] rop particle density src sigmaln variables saved entered input fields read flag local variables ztm1 tracer mixing ratio including tendency slinnfac factor to convert single diameter stokes velocity to distribution integrated sink velocity vt sedimentation velocity of particle ensemble output sflx sedimentation of tracer [kg m-2 s-1] tr_seri tracer #/mass mixing ratio method: returns the changed tracer mixing ratio expects that the aerosol tracers are in the tracer fields in the order explained in the aerosol module Loop is done per aerosol mode, which shall be affected by sedimentation Modes treated must be behind each other in the tracer field and are identified by mode names such as cimode, csmode ... SUBROUTINE SEDIMENT_IMP (tr_seri) USE MODULES:
Author: Michael Schulz
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement / Saclay 9. June 2002 Purpose: sedimentation - calculation of sedimentation velocities Interface: input delt time step duration tr_seri tracer mixing ratios [kg/kg] from aerosol modules md #or mass median dimater [m] ztempc surface air temperature [°C] rop particle density srcsigmaln variables saved entered input fields read flag local variables ztm1 tracer mixing ratio including tendency slinnfac factor to convert single diameter stokes velocity to distribution integrated sink velocity zflux sedimentation flux from above zsedl fraction of box sedimenting vt sedimentation velocity of particle ensemble output sflux sedimentation of tracer [kg m-2 s-1] tr_seri tracer #/mass mixing ratio Method: returns the changed tracer mixing ratio expects that the aerosol tracers are in the tracer fields in the order explained in the aerosol module Loop is done per aerosol mode, which shall be affected by sedimentation Modes treated must be "behind" each other in the tracer field and are identified by mode names such as cimode, csmode ... SUBROUTINE SEDIMENT_EXP (delt, tr_seri) USE MODULES:
Set the column densities
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, 1999. SUBROUTINE SETCOL (col_dens , vmr , invariants , pdel) USE MODULES:
For this latitude slice:
- Form the no production from lighting - Form the no production from airplanes author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, 1999. SUBROUTINE SETEXT_PLANES (calday , extfrc , lat , zmid , area , cldtop , vmr , tfld , col_dens , zen_angle , invariants ) USE MODULES:
In-cloud and below-cloud scavenging of soluble species.
authors: Xue-Xi Tie, NCAR, 1998. Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2001. Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 05-2002. SUBROUTINE SETHET (het_rates , press , pdel , lat , zmid , tfld , delt , xhnm , flxr , flxs , flxupd , cldtop , cldbot , cldfr , index , qin) USE MODULES:
Set the invariant densities (molecules/cm**3)
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, 1999. SUBROUTINE SETINV (invariants, tfld, h2ovmr, pmid ) USE MODULES:
Set the group member partitioning
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, 1999. SUBROUTINE SET_GRP_RATIOS (grp_ratios, rxt, photo, vmr, mmr, nas, mbar, invariants) USE MODULES:
Set the column densities at the upper boundary
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, 1999. SUBROUTINE SET_UB_COL (col_dens, vmr, invariants, pdel) USE MODULES:
Read the emission flux datasetsauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 1999. SUBROUTINE SFLX_INTI (filename) USE MODULES
Reaction rate on sulfate aerosols.Didier Hauglustaine, 2010 SUBROUTINE SO4AERRXT (temp , pmid , ps , relhum , mmr , m , dgno2 , dgno3 , dgnh3 , dgn2o5 , dghno3 , dgo3 , dgho2 , dgso2 , rxt) USE MODULES
programmed by Dominik Brunner V1.0 Aug 2000
built upon routine stattrop by Peter van Velthoven, KNMI, The Netherlands and on the ECHAM4/CHEM routine xttphwmo by Thomas Reichle, Christine Land, B. Steil and R. Hein, DLR input : p, t real(nlev) input : nlev real output: ptropd real output: itropd integer purpose: stattrop computes the pressure (Pa) at the thermal (static) tropopause (TP) for a 1D column (sounding) of pressures and temperatures following the definition of the height of the tropopause as postulated by WMO (1957). ATTENTION: In the current formulation of the program the first level (index 1) must be at the top of the atmosphere and the last level (index nlev) at the surface interface: call stattrop(pfull, tfull, nlev, ptropd, itropd) - Input nlev : number of vertical levels pfull: pressure in 1D column at nlev full levels (layers) tfull: temperature in 1D column at nlev full levels - Output ptropd: height of the tropopause in Pa itropd: index of layer containing the tropopause methods: - Lapse rate gamma = -dT/dz Using the hydrostatic approximation dz = -dp/(g*rho) = -dp/p * R/g * T = -dlnp * R/g * T we get -dT/dz = dT/T * g/R *1/dlnp = dlnT/dlnp - Variables are assumed to vary linearly in log(pressure) - The tropopause is the lowest level above 450 hPa fullfilling the WMO criterium. If ptropd is < 85 hPa it is set to 85 hPa. If no tropopause is found ptropd is set to -999.> references: - WMO (1992): International meteorological vocabulary, Genf, 784pp.: 1. The first tropopause is defined as the lowest level at which the lapse rate decreases to 2 deg C per kilometer or less, provided also the average lapse rate between this level and all higher levels within 2 kilometers does not exceed 2 deg C - Randel WJ, Wu F, Gaffen DJ, Interannual variability of the tropical tropopause derived from radiosonde data and NCEP reanalyses, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 105, 15509-15523, 2000. The following webpage clearifies the calculation of
the tropopause in the NCEP reanalysis: http://dss.ucar.edu/pub/reanalysis/FAQ.html
For comparison NCEP reanalysis tropopause pressures can be obtained from http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/cdc/reanalysis/reanalysis.shtml SUBROUTINE STATTROP (pfull, tfull, nlev, ptropd, itropd) Reaction rate on stratospheric aerosols and PSCs.Didier Hauglustaine, 2001 SUBROUTINE STRATORXT (temp , pmid , ps , vmr , m , rxt , invariants , zen_angle) USE MODULE:
CALL SUBROUTINE: Interpolate SO4 on model timeauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000. SUBROUTINE SULF_INTERP (calday, pmid) USE MODULE:
CALL SUBROUTINE: SULFATE climatologies initializeauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000. SUBROUTINE SULF_INTI (filename) USE MODULES :
Read SO4 distributionsauthor: Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, 2000. SUBROUTINE SULF_READ (calday) USE MODULE:
Authors:François-Marie Breon ; Olivier BoucherSUBROUTINE SWATHPOLDER (annee, mois, jour, heure, pdtphys, rlon, rlat, masque) USE MODULES:
PURPOSE: This routine computes the shortwave radiation fluxes in two spectral intervals following Fouquart and Bonnel (1980).METHOD: 1) Computes absorber amounts (SWU) 2) Computes fluxes in 1st spectral interval (SW1S) 3) Computes fluxes in 2nd spectral interval (SW2S) REFERENCE: See radiation's part of the ECMWF research department documentation, and Fouquart and Bonnel (1980) Author: Jean_Jacques Morcrette SUBROUTINE SW_INCA (kdlon, kflev, PSCT, PRMU0, PFRAC, PPMB, PDP, PPSOL, PALBD, PALBP, PTAVE, PWV, PQS, POZON, PAER, PCLDSW, PTAU, POMEGA, PCG, PHEAT, PHEAT0, PALBPLA, PTOPSW, PSOLSW, PTOPSW0, PSOLSW0, ZFSUP, ZFSDN, ZFSUP0, ZFSDN0, tauinca, pizinca, cginca, PTAUA, POMEGAA, PTOPSWADINCA, PSOLSWADINCA, PTOPSWAD0INCA, PSOLSWAIINCA, PTOPSWINCA, PTOPSW0INCA, PSOLSWINCA, PSOLSW0INCA, ok_ade, ok_aie, ZCLEAR) USE MODULES
calculates aerosol optical thickness per aerosol species
as well as the sum of all species and the angstroem component
uses precalculated tables of specific mass extinction coefficient (Sext) for five aerosol species: dust, sea salt, BC, POMM and sulfate tables contain Sext as a function of lambda, sigma, nmd for lognormal distributions (mie calculation code from Tanguy Claquin, tables produced by Yves Balkanski Sep 2002) author: ms (LSCE) 02-sep-2002 SUBROUTINE TAUCALC (tr_seri,delt,area,rh) USE MODULES:
provides a budget for the total model domain
to be invoked at every time step, (otherwise fluxes would need to be accumulated in between) at the end of phytrac, after the new tracer mass mixing ratio has been recomputed, attention, when are eflux and dflux initialised -- are they still there when this routine is called author: Michael Schulz, LSCE, 08.10.2001 SUBROUTINE TBUDGET (area, delt, nstep, tr_seri, out) USE MODULES:
Calculate troe rate
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. SUBROUTINE TROE (rate , m , factor , ko , kinf ) USE MODULE:
Interpolate for temperature on 500 and 200mb surfaces
SUBROUTINE T_INT (p, t, t500, t200)
Set the user specified reaction rates
IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE REACTIONS ARE EXACTLY IN THE ORDER AS THE INPUT FILE SPECIAL REACTIONS AND AT THE TOP OF REACTION LIST IN INPUT FILE. author: Didier Hauglustaine and Stacy Walters, 2000. SUBROUTINE USRRXT (rxt , temp , invariants , relhum , ps , pmid , mmr , m , lat , zen_angle , vmr ) USE MODULES:
Xfrom from mass to volume mixing ratio
author: Stacy Walters, NCAR, 1998. Modified by Didier Hauglustaine, IPSL, for LMDZ/INCA, 1999.
bug removed by Yves B. Nov. 02SUBROUTINE WETDEP (delt, tr_seri, area, pdel, flxrcv, flxrst, flxscv, flxsst, flxupd, cldtop, cldbot, zma) USE MODULES:
SUBROUTINE WETDEPST (delt, tr_seri, area, pdel, flxrst, flxsst, zma)USE MODULES:
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